Samstag, 7. Juni 2014

Midnight devotional...Mitternachtsandacht auf Englisch

"Heart with heart in love united..."  Mit dem englischen "Herz und Herz vereint zusammen" endete heute der Freitag des IKT zehn Minuten nach Mitternacht in der Eventarena. Und weil die gut besuchte Andacht mit Bezirksapostel Kolb aus Nordamerika komplett auf englisch stattfand, hier auch einige "original  impressions":

The Lord himself equips us.
We have to emerge, to come out and  leave the old cocon and coming to the new man.
Third step: to engage - it is often a struggle to engage - but we want to engage to be a part of the body of Christ.
Fourth: let us edify, let us built up the body of Christ.
David as example: first he was equipped by Samuel, as he decided to fight he emerged, than Saul, the king engaged David to fight
He became a catalyst as he triumphed.
Let us come together and talk together. Than we get to know more of our brothers and sisters. :-)

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